APK Solutions – Computer Training
We provide personalized training from basic to advanced computer skills for adults, seniors, and children. We offer one on one or group instruction in most software applications. Home computer tutoring is available in the San Francisco Bay Area. Computer training is valuable for those who wish to improve existing computer skills or for those who need to develop certain skills in the work place. Our goal is to help individuals become proficient in the areas that are crucial to productivity. These areas include word processing and the printing of documents, the use of spreadsheets for a productivity tool, techniques for researching information on the internet, using email, photo editing software, creating and using databases, Photoshop image editing and various graphics programs. For those who have been reluctant to use their computers, we'll help you develop the confidence that will put you at ease with your machine. If you don't own a computer, but have been thinking of taking the plunge, we'll walk you through the process, help you select a machine and get you hooked up with an internet provider so that you can go online, send and receive email, and browse the web. |